Monday, February 16, 2015

The life cycle of a Salmon

  1. It takes about four months for a salmon egg to hatch. 
  2. It then becomes an alevin. Alevins cannot swim, and many get eaten by predators. They hang out in the gravel.
  3. After the alevin stage, it is known as a fry. A fry is small. Hence the term "small fry" ? (Probably not.)  He can swim, but he's only an inch or two long. That poor little fry is big prey for many other fish. 
  4. The fish then becomes a parr or a  fingerling. You guessed it ... as big as an adult index finger. This stage can last 2 to 3 years.
  5. The next stage is the smolt.  The fish is now ready to make the transition from the fresh water where he was born in, into the salt water. I like to think of it as fish puberty. Life's a challenge, he eats a great deal, and grows like crazy. In the wild, out of 8000 eggs, they estimate only 300 salmon reach the smolt stage.
  6. Adult is the next stage. And in a few years, when spawning time comes around, they prefer to head right back where they were born to do it.
Image result for salmon life cycle joke

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